The Banning of Captain Underpants

In class, we are learning about forbidden books and why they were banned. This project will talk about the controversial book series Captain Underpants. We will talk about toilet humor, racism and other controversial topics in the book. Captain Underpants talks about an underpants wearing elementary school principal. The main series is about two elementary school students George and Harald who hypnotize their mean principal into becoming the Underpants wearing superhero Captain Underpants. The reason this story was banned by schools is because of multiple complaints from parents about the racism and dirty humor. Banning books began in 1637 when the first book was banned. The book was written by Thomas Morton and was about how backwards the United States way of doing things was. The book was banned by the people of the U.S. when they found it because it strongly criticized their way of life.


Bush, Ally. “The Little-Known History of Banned Books in the United States.” Reading Partners, 3 Mar. 2021,,up%20their%20new%20American%20society.
