SDG 11 Why It's Important

    In class, we are Learning about different SDG's and how we try to fix them. The SDG I chose was SDG 11 which is making cities and human settlements safe and eco friendly. This SDG is supposed to make cities eco friendly and hopefully eventually self-sustaining. As far as my research went No one is actively trying to fix this but I encourage you to do your own research.

    When I was doing my research I couldn't find anyone or any country doing anything to combat this issue or fix it. But like I said before I encourage you to do your own research. There are however some things we can do to try and fix this problem we can ask the government to provide more funding for public transit, provide more funding for schools and education, and work on human rights like the gender pay gap.

    In conclusion, SDG 11 is important for the future of our cities and to make sure we continue to live a great life and help others in less fortunate positions do the same. 

Works cited 

“3 Big Ideas to Achieve Sustainable Cities and Communities.” World Bank, 


