The Gender Pay Gap in the United States vs India

     The inequalities that women face In life like being underpaid or not having access to good healthcare in the United States vs India.

    Women get paid a lot less than men for doing the same exact job. The United States did one great thing to try to fix the problem: they created the paycheck fairness act. But they have no rules to enforce it so it’s kind of useless.

    Women in India are paid a lot less than men when it comes to working. They earn 20 cents less than men for the same work that men do. The good news is that there are politicians and activists that have been trying to get equal pay for women but so far they have been unsuccessful.

    India and the United States are very different when it comes to the gender pay gap; one similarity is that they are both trying to fix the gender pay gap. One difference is the United States has a law in place but doesn’t enforce it. Whereas India doesn’t have any laws but lawmakers and activists are trying to fix that.


In conclusion, the United States is doing an okay job of fixing the gender pay gap. We already have laws in place to help combat unfair pay based on gender but no one is enforcing that law. Whereas India has no laws to fix this issue but politicians and activists are trying their best to pass laws and fix the problem.
